Working with Parabo Press

Parabo Press is a photo-printing company with an attractive Instagram presence. They have interesting products, like their parabo box and Instagram square prints. Parabo asked us to creatively choose items from their product catalog and get our photos printed — whole photos (not half’s), that is! The challenge would be to take two real-life printed photos and re-make one of our half-half photos, creating a photo within an image.

Our photo printing process

Parabo Press sent us two giant engineer prints of our photos taken in Colombia and Argentina. In order to get these photos to not flop or bend, we dry-mounted them on foam core. We then set out for interesting cityscapes within Manhattan’s Upper West Side, half-ing them with not only our bodies lined up, but also our original half-half photo, recreated in real life-size.

We faced a few issues with locations and trying to get the perspective just right. After 3 attempts, we were able to get something that we were happy with!

@halfhalftravel Parabo Press case study image @halfhalftravel Parabo Press case study image @halfhalftravel Parabo Press case study image

The Results

Our half-half image for Parabo Press was a hit! We also provided Parabo Press with extra images from our shoot and they were able to repost us in their Instagram feed with our half-half photo, for a win-win on both sides. Thanks, Parabo Press!