I’m always delighted to meet new creators, especially those on an amazing mission. Keisha Blair is on a journey to help people find purpose, success and happiness through “holistic wealth.

Before I jump into recapping the podcast, here are a few important links:

Themes in the interview

I liked speaking with Keisha during the recording, because it was different from other podcasts I’ve recorded where I talk about the digital nomad journey the whole time.

Keisha asked more introspective questions, like the “how” and the “why,” and focused on how I did things logistically, and how I felt. She had me dig deep into how to prepare for long-term travel, as well as how I kept an eye on finances and budgets.

I hope all of the information I provided is helpful to the audience.

Leaving a toxic job to start something new

Keisha started out by asking me about my former toxic job that left me wanting to quit and travel the world, detailed in the story of how convinced my employer to let me go remote and travel.

I talked about how because of Dan’s experience on Remote Year the year before, the idea of working remotely was not too foreign, at the time. It was just a matter of how we were going to make ends meet, and take the risk of leaving our full-time jobs in NYC.

Staying afloat during long-term travel

Next, it was on to chatting about travel style. I mentioned that one of my goals when I travel is to actually save money while traveling, to live simply, travel modestly and avoid blowing the budget all in one spot, like accommodations.

Financial minimalist

We jumped into how I took Keisha’s money personality quiz, and how I scored the result of “minimalist.” This wasn’t a surprise at all, and I commended her for pegging me as a minimalist immediately when we started to get to know each other over email. We got into discussing my minimalist habits, which I’ve talked about on other podcasts as well, like my interview with How to Money.

Starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur

The final topic we talked about was how Dan and I grew this blog you’re reading here, and how we monetize. I discussed both my and Dan’s talents that we’ve put together in making this blog, and a few of the revenue streams we’ve created that we were able to obtain after a lot of hard work. You can see more at how we maintain this blog, and listen to all the insider scoop I divulged in the podcast episode.

Takeaways from my interview on the Holistic Wealth podcast

It was awesome to have the opportunity to share my stories with Keisha’s audience. My biggest delight was being able to be open and transparent about how headlines like, “I quit my job to travel the world!” have a lot more than meets the eye.

I hope I was able to dispel some myths, as well as inform the audience about how challenging and what hard work it is to get the digital nomad lifestyle right, and how to stay afloat. I liked connecting with Keisha on topics like being smart with finances, saving for the unexpected, traveling with kids and becoming an entrepreneur.

The topics mentioned above are just a quick summary of all the talking we did in the 30 minutes of this guest interview. I couldn’t possibly detail it all here! These are the main topics that stood out, as well as the ones that I had the most fun chatting through.

About the podcast and about Keisha Blair

Keisha Blair is the founder of the global Holistic Wealth movement, and when she messaged me on the Ladies Get Paid Slack community, I was drawn into her mission and her incredible accomplishments.

Keisha is the author of Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons To Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity and Happiness, and she is a Harvard-trained economist who has touched the lives of more than 50 million people around the world. I couldn’t help but learn a little bit about the Holistic Wealth movement in preparation for recording with her, because of how I align with values like financial independence and finding physical, spiritual and emotional health.

I am thrilled to be a guest on her podcast, and in this recap above, you’ll find a summary of everything this interview touches on. Of course, to get the full picture of the stories I told and authentic suggestions I provided, tune in wherever you listen to your podcasts.

How to listen to the episode

You can listen to the Holistic Wealth podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, which includes Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube.